BBC [Guide to world religions] |
Christian Solidarity Worldwide |
Forum 18 [Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan] |
Jehovah Witnesses [CAUTION: check the mandate of this organisation in order to undertake source assessment] |
Open Doors international [CAUTION: check the mandate of this organisation in order to undertake source assessment] |
Persecution of Christians [CAUTION: check the mandate of this organisation in order to undertake source assessment] |
The Christian Post |
U.S. Commission on Religious Freedom [Annual religious freedom reports] |
U.S. Department of State [Annual religious freedom reports] |
UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief |
Union of Councils for Soviet Jews [on Jews and human rights in former Soviet Union] |
Women Living Under Muslim Laws |
World Council of Churches [To find churches] |
World Watch Monitor [Reporting on the persecution of Christians] |