The earliest source dates from 2014 and the most recent source dates from 2023.
Sources consulted but not cited:
World Health Organisation
Centre for Global Mental Health
Federation Global Initiative on Psychiatry
Mental Disability Advocacy Centre (now Validity)
Physicians for Human Rights
World Health Organisation-South East Asia Mental Health
Telepsychiatry Research and Innovation Network Ltd, Mental Health Innovation Network, Bangladesh
Assessment of Healthcare Providers in Bangladesh 2021 World Health Organisation Bangladesh.
Shuchona Foundation (an organization which works to enable innovative ideas and approaches in the area of neurodevelopment disabilities, mental health issues, and other vulnerable groups)
UNICEF Bangladesh
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
Sources from which information was obtained
International Organisations
World Health Organization
United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner: Special Rapporteur on the right to health
(Inter)governmental sources
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
U.S. Department of State
UK Visas and Immigration
UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies: Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
United Nations Human Rights Council
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
(I)NGOS and think tanks
ADD International (Action on Disability and Development): a UK-registered charity that supports organizations of disability activists to fight discrimination for over 30 years
CRDF Global (an international NGO founded after the fall of communism to support scientific research between the US and the former Soviet Union)
Validity: an INGO which uses the law to secure equality, inclusion and justice for people with mental disabilities worldwide
Anadolu Agency: a state-run news agency headquartered in Ankara, Turkey
The Daily Star
The Independent (Bangladesh)This is a local newspaper in Bangladesh
The Business Standard (Bangladeshi Business newspaper)
Academic Sources
Annals of Medicine and Surgery: an open access, online-only, peer-reviewed journal with a global outlook and focus on those training in medicine and surgeryAssociation for Computing Machinery
Autism Research
Bangladesh Association of Psychiatrists (BAP)
BJPsych (British Journal of Psychiatry) International: a journal owned by the Royal College of Psychiatrists that provides psychiatrists and all mental health professionals with an overview of current policy and practice in psychiatry from a global perspective
BMC Psychiatry: an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of psychiatric disorders
Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal
Centre for Global Mental Health
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology
International Conference on Information
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research: an international peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary journal published by Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences
The Lancet: a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal founded in England in 1823
Studies in Social Justice